
The ContentValidator checks, if the contents of a message conform to a set of predefined rules. This allows docproc to process only those messages, which are considered functionally valid.


The ContentValidator requires the following configuration entries:

type  = ContentValidator
rules = /path/to/a/rules/set
To configure a ContentValidator, use ContentValidator as type.
rules refers to a file on disk containing the rules to be executed on the message content. A rule consists of one or more conditions.

Defining Rules

The rules to be executed are kept in a simple JSON-based list.

        "name": "First rule",
        "path": "NET",
        "op": "less than",
        "value": 0,
        "name": "Second rule",
        "path": "ZIP",
        "op": "exists",

See Operating the Rules Engine for more details about how to configure rules.

Exampe Usage

Only messages containing a customer number shall be processed. So let’s assume the following input content with a missing customer number:

100112;John;Doe;Example Lane 384;10006;New York;10394.00;12386.86;2017-04-07
;Jane;Doeanne;Another Lane 384;10009;New York;-376.00;-405.88;2017-05-18
194227;Max;Mustermann;Musterstraße 123;12345;Berlin;0.00;0.00;2017-12-04

Define a rule in a validate.json file:

        "name": "Check for a customer number",
        "path": "CUSTNO",
        "op": "!=",
        "value": "",

Set up the ContentValidator in your docproc.proc configuration:

handlers = validate-data

type  = ContentValidator
rules = /app/docproc/rules/validate.json

Messages with an empty customer produce an error within the log now and are put into the error queue, if configured.